Drawing 1 – Part 4: Reflection Assessment Criteria

Reflection on Part Four

I enjoyed the process finding new ways to build a stronger foundation of understanding how part four has asked me to do many researches and learning new challenges, which this shows me on how important that resources and images can give me a new direction on what’s going to happen in the next part. In this part four so far, it has broken some boundaries that I refused to go any further over my drawing comfort zone. For example such as I like to be very detailed in my drawings, but I had to forced myself to break away from being too detailed in some exercises and be a bit loose in my drawings, which this has made me to develop another comfort zone and therefore I feel stronger and relaxed in moving forward onto the next part. I have learnt to face the struggling challenges throughout drawing one so far and following my tutor advices with helpful tips from the previous assignments reports. So now I’m prepared to take another big challenging step into the next new part, which is part five, and learn to develop more ideas and sharing my thoughts in contexts.

Assessment Criteria Points:

  • Demonstration of technical and visual skills – materials, observational skills, visual awareness and compositional skills (35%).

For this part four so far has given me the understanding of developing new skills in the technical and visual side, with the use of different mediums. I also have placed myself in between the technical and visual skills by combining them to blend into each other together by allowing my observational skills develop more and giving my drawings more accurate and well compositional.

I made sure that whenever I struggled or made a mistake in a skill in the exercises, I will tell myself to go back and start it over again with the help of my visual acknowledge skills, that help to point me out to the skills that needed to be fixed or practiced a bit more, for example do more preliminary drawings.

  • Quality of outcome – content, application of knowledge, presentation of work in a coherent manner, discernment, conceptualisation of thoughts, communication of ideas (20%).

Looking back at the two A1 size assignment drawings that I have produced, which was a very exciting experience at same time with very strong communication ideas and thoughts that are developed by different materials and research resources. The most astonishing fact about the assignment four that has given me a new understanding foundation is that this was my first time doing larger size drawings, which I have never drawn anything larger than an A2 size since beginning of drawing one, part one.

I find the quality outcome as a strongly influenced by seeing other old and modern artworks from the research points that inspired me throughout part four and helped me in assignment four. My knowledge and presentation of the work in a coherent manner is developed by how much I understand which media will work in the final drawings and, picturing in my mind on how I want it’s final results to turn out in an interesting and expressive manner, that will show the viewers how much I have learnt from this drawing one course. There are areas within part four, that I wished to share it in contents and thoughts more in the assignment four, so for my next assignment, I will show the developing quality of outcome with the use of information.

  • Demonstration of creativity – imagination, experimentation, invention, development of a personal voice (25%).

In the part four so far, I have seen a great chance on the way that I layout my plans for the demonstration of creativity, with the use of different resources and materials, such as inventing different mediums and ideas in my sketchbook and writing down how I see my own imagination ideas relate to some inspired artworks from the research points.

I have created a new personal voice within the assignment four, which I see my voice as a freed and exciting style, I also started experimenting on a new skill which is to be less detailed and be more loose with using different expressive marks.

  • Context reflection – research, and critical thinking (learning logs and, at second and third level, critical reviews and essays) (20%).

I found it interesting in the research points throughout this part four, it has shared the same interest that I favour at doing, which is portraiture and figures. I find my essays have become less written information, which is good fact for not making it look too jumbled up with too many unnecessary words, but also not impressive as I have seen a weaken side in writing down the important facts that would make my essay a strongly interest to look at.

I try keep my critical thinking and critical reviews in a simple context and not making it overflow in a controlling way, I made sure that if I’m criticized for an drawing, then I don’t let it affect me as I will fix it myself. I find motivational critical reviews helpful and pushes me forward into a better direction. I haven’t had the chance to visit any galleries or exhibitions due to the outbreak of Covid-19, but my research points has given me a reflection on how I can picture these artworks and their information in a gallery or exhibition.

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